Peppermint Chocolate Cheesecake (serves 8)

Peppermint Chocolate Cheesecake by The Fat Foodie

I have quite a generous-sized kitchen herb garden, but every year the mint takes over and I have to prune quite a bit of it back. I hate throwing it away, so I make peppermint tea quite frequently with it, but it’s nice to feature it in a dessert once in a while to truly pay homage to it. That’s why I created this peppermint chocolate cheesecake.  Continue reading

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Three Cheese Broccoli Bake (serves 4-6)

Three Cheese Broccoli Bake by The Fat Foodie

This Three Cheese Broccoli Bake was created one day when my partner really fancied cauliflower cheese for dinner and I had to compromise with her to create a variant which would prevent me from producing as much wind as a North Sea wind farm. I really envy people who can tolerate cauliflower, but I simply can’t. I’ve tried reintroducing it numerous times, but every time it results in gale force winds being created in my house, so I just don’t even try anymore. Too much info?  😉  Continue reading

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